Village of Peace

Wake Up

Wake up! So wake up! All you sleeping souls
Wake up! So wake up! Lord Gauranga calls

When first to this world you came
you said ‘My Lord, I’ll always chant Your name’
Broken promise you suffer in illusion
Don’t know who you are delirious confusion

Other than Me, who is your friend,
who can bring your suffering to an end?
I’ve descended out of love for you,
to help you live your life anew

The sun has arisen, climbing higher in the sky
Now my friends it’s time to open up your eyes
to see the Lord of your heart of Whom you are a part
whose been waiting long for you to turn and see Him too

I’m the doctor, I’ve brought you the cure
the medicine of love of God so pure
sweeter than a sugar cane
drink the nectar of the Holy Name

Wake up! So wake up! All you sleeping souls
Wake up! So wake up! Lord Gauranga calls